My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella


Sophie Kinsella’s My Not So Perfect Life shows us just that, the not so perfect life of Katie Brenner. But Katie’s working hard to become her new perfect self, Cat Brenner. Cat Brenner is just one or two or ten steps away from perfection, but she knows she has to pay her dues. So Katie Brenner is busy making the best of her long commute, her routine job in a big successful branding company, and her cupboard sized room with her less than congenial roommates.

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Besides, Cat is living the life on her Instagram page full of brilliant photos and witty captions while Katie is busy dealing with reality. Katie is under a lot of pressure to make it all come true, and the most pressure she feels comes from her Dad. He’s loving, supportive, and positive that evil old London is no place for his baby girl.

Trying to get her boss’s attention is Cat/Katie’s big workplace goal. How can she get her work noticed and start moving up the ladder of Cooper Clemmow? Surely its by getting her boss, the brilliant and perfect Demeter Farlowe, to take a look at Katie’s ideas for branding campaigns, not helping her boss dye her roots during a lunch break?

That question is moot once Cat/Katie is the victim of budget cuts and laid off from her job. She doesn’t even get laid off gently since Demeter has forgotten to fire her and does it on the run in an elevator ride. What’s going to happen to Katie’s dreams now?

Katie goes back to Somerset, her home county, and ties herself into knots trying to job hunt on the sly while helping her Dad and Stepmother set up a new business on the family farm. As we root for Katie to get her life back on track, she starts to gain wisdom about that gap between perfect life and real life.

This book gets its points across in some witty, if cringe inducing, humor as we watch Katie fumble from one scene of her life to the next. It’s a great coming of age story that, by the end, leaves a big smile on your face. So check this out through Augusta-Richmond County Libraries’ new Libby app. Call your nearest library branch if you have questions or need more information.